Tuesday, January 18, 2011

First week of the Last Semester of Undergrad!

It is finally happening! The last semester of undergrad has begun--five years later! =) But here I am through trials and tribulations (mainly transferring what a terrible thing!) so many changes I can point out and many that I can't even recall ever happened to me. I am so very excited to get an opportunity to enjoy the last semester of college with 2 internships, 1 job and 2 classes. I'll find time for a life in there somewhere. Right?

It's hard to fathom that I am almost done with school and soon I will "be on my own." My mom keeps talking about things that I'll have to do on my own, somedays I'd rather just say can I focus on graduating right now? But I know I have to grow up a bit more too. Bummer right? I guess that's one things I always wanted and the last thing anyone ever wants to do. It's okay though, I think I'm ready to be a "big kid" now.

Started my internship at United Way today. I am totally excited to be there and ready to get to work! I can't wait to see what I will experience and get under my belt in the next few months.

I must cut this short though, With all this stuff going on I better get some sleep under my belt as well.

Till next time, I'll hopefully have more stories or entertainment or news. Who knows!


Friday, January 7, 2011

A Big Week and Semester ahead

I really should be reading and "studying" for my internships/ some of the new books I bought this break about Social Media, etc. But I'm not concentrating 100% on this, my mind is sort of wandering today. I'm just really excited for this semester and the opportunities that have been presented to myself. I'm very very excited.

Tuesday I start my internship with United Way in Topeka. I'm so excited to be working in the communications side of non-profits and being able to get some hands on experience and use what I've been learning for the past 5, I know 5, years. It's pretty exciting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to know I'm not even a full time student this semester! Woohoo! My hard work is starting to show and I cannot be more pleased.

Wednesday I start at Squawk Box Marketing, I'm super excited to learn the ins and outs of SMS marketing and be able to help out businesses around the Kansas area use SMS to increase their business! It's going to be fun, and I'm totally ready for the challenges and learning all this new information. I'm excited and I can see this going very well!

My mind is wandering today... I just can't help it. So much has happened these past couple weeks the whirlwind of the holidays on top of everything else. Every change in my life has been positive and I am looking forward to what this year has in store. I'm so very excited and hope to keep you all updated on the success and trails that lie ahead.

Till next time, I'm off to spend my night reading!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Slacker, I know! I'm working on it!

Okay, so I have totally slacked lately and I apologize. But to be honest, the past months have been nothing but crazy. I've moved twice (out of my apartment and back home with mom and then we moved into a smaller house) I'm almost done with school, I have a great internship starting this month at United Way and I am sending out resumes and cover letters as if that's my job. So hopefully soon, I'll be even busier trying to figure out where I'll be going after graduation.

Believe me, it makes my head hurt too! But slowly, each day, I feel that I am coming closer to all my goals in life. Little by little, I know I will get there. I've already dealt with issues and hardships, I mean who hasn't? But I know that there is very little that can truly hold me back.

I have an interview/meeting this afternoon with a marketing firm. It's up and coming and it sounds like a great opportunity. I want to see what they have to offer and what it holds for me in the future. I want to make sure where I start is a good fit and will help me reach my career goals. Because lets face it, not many people stay in one job/company/position their entire life, I know I don't want to stay with just one thing for the rest of my life. And luckily public relations allows me to use a whole gamut of skills. I am so excited to take on the challenges after graduation and explore all the skills I have acquired over the years in school and working in Restaurants and at The Buckle.

That's all the update I have for now, I'm feeling pretty good about this new year. Which is definitely a first and it's great!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Another day, Another Dollar

I'm slowly trying to figure out where I might want to intern someday...maybe if it ever comes. Wouldn't life just be easier if someone called me and offered me the dream job I've been wanting, which I still don't know exactly what it is. I'll let you know when I figure that out; may increase the chances of someone CALLING with the dream job once it's defined. Maybe.

Killing time at a coffee shop, Blackbird waiting for Shon to show up. I think he may have gotten lost between the gym, the shower and here. I'm not going to be shocked.

Anyhow, things are going relatively well for me. Been endlessly busy with work and school and trying to find a social life...I'm still searching for that. But, I have had success in both school and work which is nice.  I'll be graduating NEXT spring, ugh. Some day..

But, Shon showed his face. I better jet.

Friday, February 26, 2010


Still slacking terribly at this whole posting on blog everyday, week...whatever. Naughty me. However, school has started back up and that sure does take up the majority of my time. If not all of it.

I am enjoying my afternoon off in many ways, sitting at a window seat at my favorite coffee house thinking of what I'm going to write for my story that I am covering this week. Jam for Justice is tonight @ Live Music Institute, it's a really great cause. So, I'll be there covering that and cranking out an amazing story but Monday at 8 a.m. Hello to how I am spending my Saturday afternoon before I go work.

WHICH is also consuming my life, but I love my job and hate it at the same time. I serve, I bartend and drum roll please.....Manage now. That's right, exciting scary and stressful all in one ball right? I love more responsibility, but I hate it at the same time. We all understand that one, I'm sure.

Anyhow, I actually must run so I can cut and change my hair. I will update better another day...hopefully!



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crossword Puzzles

I've been again, terrible at blogging on this thing. I have a feeling I will get a little better at it this semester since I have a class that is all about blogging. Seems like I've already done that before...Thanks Jamii Claiborne. Oh well, maybe it will be even easier this time around. I am hoping to graduate by December; a girl can dream.

Anyway, holidays were not amazing, but they weren't too bad. Thanksgiving was spent with both Shon and my family. Went to Hoyt in the afternoon for lunch and had a Chinese dinner with my sister and mom and my nieces. Which was actually pretty entertaining; the music which was playing at the restaurant was similar to what the play at Katie's school during nap time. Is it bad that I enjoy watching a two year old fight sleep at the dinner table? I thought not. My niece is probably one of the most entertaining two year olds I've ever met. Her favorite phrases include "oh shit" and "jesus christ." Classy little kid, but I love her. Black Friday wasn't as exciting as I was hoping, to be honest it was pretty lame, but I got a pretty sweet coat, other then that lines were long but no crazy run ins. Christmas was very uneventful this year. My family was all over the country and there were about 7 inches of snow on the ground AKA Christmas Day Shon and I were stuck. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate snow?

School is about to start back up again, which should be interesting. I'll write more about that later. I made it through last semester and that's all that matters, right?


Monday, November 23, 2009

Looming Days

Okay, so the end is in sight. At least for this semester! I have a few things lined up, which are very exciting for me.

One of these is my trip to Ireland this summer, it's only for a week but I cannot wait! I'll be in the Emerald Isle for my birthday, 22nd to be exact. =) But, that is a whole "experience" according to University. They have decided that I still have to take a class about this trip, read books and write papers...OH and keep a journal. I love how traveling for college credit is really a big pain in the ass. But I'll get it done.

Anyhow, I am not particularly looking forward to the Holidays. My mom is very morose about them, and that's the only word I can even think to describe her feelings. Holidays are not happening this year for the Holmes crew. On top of previous events, my poor mother has been thrust into my father's former work positions since she is in-charge of everything. Regardless of what she says she will be getting Christmas presents and she will like them. That's that. I will be spending holidays with friends and Shon and his family. Which will be nice, but at the same time it won't be anywhere near the same as it always was. Days--they change, so do entire lives. So, here's to that...or something.

Counting down till the end of the semester, which cannot come soon enough. Only to start again in January...I can't wait for this whole school thing to be over--that is as long as I have a J-O-B when I'm done :) That's the tricky part these days!

Anyhow, enjoy Thanksgiving. I'll be out BLACK FRIDAY :) Expect some interesting stories from that experience. I am now addicted to fatwallet.com so you should probably check that out befor eyou go shopping too!
